But the greatest of these is LOVE

Grammar stops at love, and at art. ~Valentine Sterling

Monday, December 14, 2009

Fill your paper with the breathings of your heart. ~William Wordsworth

The past few weeks have been busy ones. School, work, skating and singing. I never thought I was that busy but, I guess it's all catching up to me now! 

I'm slowly starting to see that I need to do more for myself. Instead of trying to please others, I need to be happy with myself and the good news is, I'm getting there.

I started skating again and I'm falling back  in love with one of the many gifts that God has given me. Being able to be on the ice and get back to jumping and spinning after five years is similar to being a little kid with out any fear. Just going for it. I've missed it so much.

      I haven't had this much fun on the ice in a long time! Except when I'm coaching of course.

After this past weekend, which was a busy one. Teaching voice and piano, coaching skating and trying to study for finals, I woke up with a positive outlook. Making sure that things weren't going to get me down, no matter what was going to happen to me for the day.  So far, so good.  B in one of my most difficult classes and I'm happy with that. Four more exams to go and then I'm free for a month!

Praying for all to have a wonderful Christmas season and wonderful New Year.


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